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Showing posts from November, 2022

How many vertebrae are there in the neck?

The C1-C7 vertebrae in the neck, separated from each other by intervertebral discs. Cervical vertebrae are those in the neck area. With the exception of the two sloth genera(choloepus and bradypus), and the manatee genus(trichechus), all mammals have seven vertebrae.

Tonsil | Tonsillectomy | Symptoms of tonsil | Can tonsils grow back after being removed?

Yes it is. When tonsil is surgically removed during tonsillectomy, it doesn't get completely removed since only the major part is removed and it may leave the residue, i.e., the tissues. That doesn't necessarily mean that it will regrow. A study conducted on this came up with the stats that the tonsils had some growth after 4 years. The new tonsils would be swollen and diseased, just like the old tonsils. It generally won't grow back too large, but if you face problems then you must consult the doctor. What tonsil actually is? Tonsils are round, two in number, mass of flesh that are present at the back of our throats. These are part of the immune system. They filter the germs that enter through our nose and mouth and prevents them to enter in our body, keeping us safe from infections.  Symptoms of infected tonsils that you should not overlook 1. Red and swollen tonsils: It might get swollen and red sometimes due to cough and cold but if it stays for long then it must be che